small contributions... February 2023
As in February 2022, bwz® Schwingungstechnik again has provided a food donation to the charity-based food bank in Esslingen county.
Having liaised with the organisers beforehand regarding the current demand of their food bank customers, we purchased basic food items such as pasta, rice, cooking oil, lentils and canned fruit totalling EUR 1,000.- net at a local whole sale food store, and delivered the fare to the central warehouse of the food bank with our company-own transport vehicle.
We deem the charity work of local food banks much worth supporting, as it benefits the weaker and weakest members of our society.
bwz Schwingungstechnik GmbH
Felix-Wankel-Strasse 31
D-73760 Ostfildern/Nellingen
tel: +49 711 / 340 179 0
fax: +49 711 / 340 179 79